A quiet Friday evening
Shouting out in the blogosphere:
“Nine o’clock and all is well!”
I like Fridays. Especially this one. It seems to be a quiet evening at home. Ahhh! After all that has happened lately we really appreciate that…
My sister is still in the hospital, but she is much better. We’ve visited her today too. It’s no fun being there, nothing to do, so we all try to visit when we can. Almost every day.
My best friend Miss Ass. Lifecruiser is, uhum, for the moment rather well and at home. She is still waiting for the test results - very unusual hormone tests that takes time. Very frustrating!
There have been a lot of other obstacles lately, which I won’t write about here, because it involves other people that I don’t want to hang out here, let’s just say that it has been rather exhausting…. *lol*
Tomorrow I’ll probably visit my sister again (the days just fly by!) while Mr Lifecruiser is playing in his golf club competion. He were hitting some golf balls today and did pretty well, so it’s promising for tomorrow.
A good luck kick in the butt to Mr Lifecruiser ;-)