
September 7th, 2006

Thursday Thirteen 18th century

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Swedish


1. From the end of 18th century and forward the parfume where used in many ways. (Though I don’t love the fact of why they did it: bad hygiene). Everything where parfumed: letters, snuff, hair net, parfume neckless, fan’s, hat needles, fabric- and paper flowers in the hair or on the clothes. In the clothes you had small pillows with the favorite parfume, iris, violet, rose, yasmin, fresia, lillys, lavendel, lemon, vanilla or orange.

2. 18th century (1700-tal in swedish) was the century of the big changes. The Swedish Government committed to trade, industry, science and new inventions. The Use was the big trend word. Everything should be produced within the country. Jonas Alströmer begin to teach the Swedish people to eat potatoes, which I’m very grateful for since I love potatoes. You can do so many great dishes with potato!

3. The Swedish King Gustav III was more amused of theater, litterature and art than of science, so he initiated The Swedish Academy and Art Academy, which made Sweden to this high culture country it is today.

4. The Swedish farmers got the right to buy aristocratic land. Ordinary people got the right to posess this countrys official positions.

5. Our big Swedish nature scientist Carl von Linné (Carolus Linnaeus, physician, zoologist/biologist, professor in botanic) initiated the Linnaean taxonomy, which classifies living things into a hierarchy. He is responsible for the latin names of a large quantity of Swedens species and even for a lot of other countries. I’m so glad he sorted it out, for it sure is a lot of species out there!

6. The medical knowledge and health care had until then been very poor and medevial in Sweden, but started to be critized by Carl von Linné, starting to focus on medical plants. There had been a lack of hospital. Stockholms first hospital opened 1752, with 8 (!) beds and a turnover of patients of 15 during the first 2 months. It was a hospital for the whole country! (The population in Sweden at that time where about 2 million citizens).

7. At the end of the 18th century they started to discuss a lot about feelings. They realized that it isn’t just common sense that rules the world, that feeelings really means something and that they are important. They started to talk about the fact that men and women should be married based on the fact that they LOVE each other and not because it was economically advantageous.

8. Swedens most wellknown and perhaps biggest skald, Carl Mikael Bellman was working in the capital. His song lyrics has influnced a lot of our music and still has a big place in our hearts today.

9. Camembert, the french white mould cheese produced from cow milk, got the current shape in the end of 18th century. Served as dessert, preferably with red wine. Who can resist that…?

10. The magnificent and glamorous fashion. What an elegance and with those fantastic creative hairstyles! They only used natural make up materials. OK, I could do without the white powder in my face, I look pale enough anyway ;-) The forerunner to the crinoline (skirt that is hold out by a stand of steelwire), the Pannier (french) - also called side hoops - were worn by women to extend the width of the skirts at the side while leaving the front and back flat where the woven patterns or embroidery could be fully admired. It was also in the late 18th century when laces showed up in ladys underwear. I’m so grateful that we don’t need to go around with woolen underwear ;-)

11. The pair or couple dance was started and it wasn’t until now that we got a Swedish word for it, dans. They tried to forbid the dance, because they thought it was a sin, but they didn’t succeed (hurray!) and the free dance were born. The dance couples were still dancing rather structured in a big circle around the dance floor, but it started to evolve. I love to dance, it doesn’t matter if I’m good at it or not. I just love it.

12. Spa is a belgian treatment neighborhood in The Ardennes which were founded during the Roman empire. The rich and beautiful people went there to be cured in the healthy water. Spa is a latin abbreviation of salus per aqua, which means health through water. In Sweden many spa’s were started in the 18th century and it became a modern trend to go there for relaxation. Thank god for the spa’s!!!


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Cruise list: Kasia, Francesca Gray, Tongue in cheek, INAMINI, Nicola, Denise, SilverWillow, Jersey Girl, K T Cat, Danielle, Chelle Y., Colleen, My 2 cents, Froggie mama, Nancy, Carmen, Chi, MommyBa, Kailani, The Shrone, Tug, Napfisk, and Irish Church Lady.

23 Responses to ' Thursday Thirteen 18th century '

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  1. Irish Church Lady said:

    First! Very interesting TT! I love movies about this time period - actually any historical time period. I’m more into those than futuristic movies. I wonder why some people like one type more than the other. Perhaps some like both. I dunno? I’ll ask your readers heee :grin:

    BTW, thanks so much for your comments about the thankless job of project management. Made my day and I needed that because I’ve been having a few too many snotty noses days and it’s making me grumpy! Misery loves company or as I say, empathy makes company happy! :wink:

    Lifecruiser: You’re welcome :-) Yes, I hope they answer too!!! I’m like you, like the historical time periods better, at least with them I KNOW that a big part of the fact is for real.

    September 7th, 2006 at 1:33 am

  2. Napfisk said:

    I love the 18th century because it is the age of revolution (1776 and 1789). Down with the kings and the tyrants!

    Of course, how much I love Romanticism, Sensibility and Enlightenment, I’m glad I can appreciate it all from a distance. I wouldn’t want to have to go to an 18th C doctor, I can tell you that!

    Lovely, well-researched post!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Napfisk :-) Yes, quite dramatical time hah? *lol* AND you got to wear awig, I forgot to mention that fact! Well, I’m not so sure about that 18th C doctor, I think our doctors nowadays almost have started to compete with them….

    September 7th, 2006 at 2:34 am

  3. Tug said:

    Wow…..I’m in awe at the thought that went into this. Nice.

    Mine’s up too!

    Lifecruiser: Well, I had a nice time while writing it, living in the 18th century in the thoughts at least :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 5:21 am

  4. The Shrone said:

    I’ve recently discovered on eBay old etiquette books from the past and hopefully will be able to afford some of them as I think this part of our past has been forgotten. Another thing I like about back then was they had so much style. I don’t think we have much style or sense of style these days.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s really fascinating with old times, to imagine how they lived. And I defenitely agree with you about the style - except from the swearing, they did a lot of that :-) Everything should evolve, but I think that it’s going backwards instead! Very sad.

    September 7th, 2006 at 5:22 am

  5. Kailani said:

    Can you imagine how long it must have taken the women to get ready everyday?

    Lifecruiser: Yes, but they had maids so you didn’t have to do it yourself :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 8:25 am

  6. MommyBa said:

    I never really bothered to learn by heart World History when I took it in university. But your list reminded me a lot of what I’ve missed :) Your list is very educational and very appealing to me.

    Happy Thursday!

    Lifecruiser: I feel like this maybe is something we enjoy more as we get older? At least that’s how it is for me. Of course, the teachers way of learning us things matters too. I had boring teachers….

    September 7th, 2006 at 1:01 pm

  7. Chi said:

    What an interesting & enjoyable list…I learned lots of facts about Sweden that I definitely didn’t know. Like you, I love to dance even though I am not good at it. *s*

    Lifecruiser: Well, I think that the main thing is that you enjoy it :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 1:22 pm

  8. carmen said:

    I always thought I was in the wrong time! Though I don’t think I belong in 18th century. :)

    Lifecruiser: You’ll never know… Think of how much you could have done in that time period! Maybe changed a thing or two too… *lol*

    September 7th, 2006 at 1:30 pm

  9. Nancy said:

    Thank the Goddess Sweden invented the spa!!!!

    This was so intresting. Have you read the Outlander books. They are set in this time period.

    Lifecruiser: No, I don’t think I have - thanks for the tip!

    September 7th, 2006 at 3:50 pm

  10. froggie mama said:

    I love the dancing, too!! It was so *romantic* then. Not that it’s not romantic now, but it was just more fairytale-ish then! Know what I mean?? :)

    Wow! You really know alot about the 18th century. I find it very facinating, too. I enjoyed your t13 this week! Have a GREAT one, Mrs. Lifecruiser!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it was more glamorous in many ways, but at the same time more other not so nice things too… I wish I could just pick out the good things and just keep them :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 4:06 pm

  11. my 2 cents said:

    Very interesting list! I know very little about history, much less Swedish history! But it is interesting!!

    Have a great Thursday! :)

    Lifecruiser: Well, it’s hardly any Swedes that know Swedish history any longer either… That’s why I brought it up. It really is interesting and starts your imagination of how it was.

    September 7th, 2006 at 4:13 pm

  12. colleen said:

    My great grandfather was Swedish. I wish I knew more about that family line.

    My 13 are wearing blue.

    Lifecrusier: Yes, it always nice to know. I don’t know much about my own actually :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 6:33 pm

  13. Chelle Y. said:

    That was a great history lesson and I love history!

    Lifecruiser: Great, glad you enjoyed it :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 8:19 pm

  14. Danielle said:

    Great TT!

    I now know more about Sweden in the 18th century than the US :-)

    I wish more people would realize feelings & love are what make the world go around!

    Happy TT

    Lifecruiser: Well, at least you know something about the 18th C then ;-) I totally agree with that Love makes the world go around :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 8:51 pm

  15. K T Cat said:

    I didn’t know #5. That was cool!

    My TT is up.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, that really is soooo cool. What a job he did! Pheeeww!

    September 7th, 2006 at 9:10 pm

  16. Jersey Girl said:

    #7 is my favorite!

    Lifecruiser: It’s the most important thing yes :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 9:10 pm

  17. SilverWillow said:

    Fabulous Thursday List!!! I love exploring history, I am working on my genealogy and finding very, intriguing information. From your list my favorite would be the parfume - love those things that ensnare the senses…

    Lifecruiser: Yes, genealogy is even more interested than just history, because you also have the connection to those people :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 9:39 pm

  18. Denise said:

    There ya go edjamacating me again! :lol:

    Lifecruiser: Ooooops, I’m so sorry :-)

    September 7th, 2006 at 9:49 pm

  19. Nicola said:

    That was one of the most interesting Thursday 13’s I have read - Thank you.

    Lifecruiser: Oh, that was nice of you to say. I’m glad you found it interesting and enjoeyd it :-)

    September 8th, 2006 at 3:51 am

  20. INAMINI said:

    What a wonderful Swedish history lesson! I had no idea so much was going on- thanks for the knowledge.

    Lifecruiser: ….And that was just part of it…. *lol*

    September 9th, 2006 at 4:09 am

  21. tongue in cheek said:

    I often thought if given the chance to go back and live in a certain period of time the 18th century would be it…the antiques from this period I find stunningly creative and perfect in line.
    After reading your post I was convinced that the 18th century has my vote! Though I enjoy Sweden, those long cold dark wither nights would get to me, but then that lace does have my fance???:wink:

    Lifecruiser: The 18th century is a very special time era. Yes, I see what you mean…. *lol*

    September 9th, 2006 at 8:01 am

  22. Francesca Gray said:

    You have put so much thought into your list, I’m impressed! Not only impressed, I really enjoyed reading it and learning some new things. I have always loved the many and various ways that perfume was used during that period and not a chemical ‘equivalent’ in sight.

    Lifecruiser: There are may interesting things just about that time period. I would like to do some more professional research about it, actually! We’ll see if it ever happens… :-)

    September 9th, 2006 at 9:57 am

  23. Kasia said:

    Due to the sad history of my country I hate this century. Seriously. This is when my country disappeared form the maps of Europe for more then 100 years. And I hate it even more because it was all about our fault. Polish aristocracy ruined everything and finally they lost everything too.
    I don’t like the Art of this period, maybe except for the architecture. All these nice palaces with nice gardens and parks. Yes, they are lovely. [I could have one for myself]
    Btw - I like the parfume, too. What a great invention.

    Lifecruiser: Well, our countries history is quite different from each other, so I can really understand you there! Awful things is hard to forget… and shall not, they should be remembered as something to learn from.

    September 9th, 2006 at 11:56 pm

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