
September 8th, 2006

Snotty nose kiss as cough mixture

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys, Love, Health

Have you ever tried to kiss when having a snotty nose and a bad cough?

Have you ever tried not to kiss when having a snotty nose and a bad cough?

Of course you have? We have too. But we didn’t do too well.

My cold is getting better yes, but before that can happen I’m obviously forced to blow half of my brain out of my nose.

And cough half of my lungs out of my mouth. It’s a big mouth, I admit that but… I prefer to use it for kissing. Normally.

The picture above is true. I actually tried to not let Mr Lifecruiser kiss me (horrible of me hah?) and my excuse was that I had a giant cough attack on the way.

So with all that snot coming out, did it stop him? Nooooo, not this man, he is my true Love snot hero.

He don’t give a damn, he wants me with snot and all :-)

I’m sure that kisses helps equally good as cough mixture.

Snotty whisper: Though I can’t tell if it’s the trying to not to cough in his face that helps OR all that saliva you exchange when you’re kissing that helps…. ;-)

Cruise list: Kasia, Kailani, Claudie, Fruitful Spririt, and Chi.

5 Responses to ' Snotty nose kiss as cough mixture '

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  1. Chi said:

    *grin* I so enjoyed reading this post!! And, I am glad your cold is improving…hopefully, you will soon be 100% cold free!!

    Nothing new at my place today but I have started working on a new story so may be finished with it soon.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I hope so too, this snot blowing is getting my head empty soon :-) Aha, that sounds really interesting Chi! Making me curious hah? *lol*

    September 8th, 2006 at 9:44 pm

  2. Fruitful Spririt said:

    I am sorry but that is just an image I did not need!! My hubby is always full of snot. Being the king of allergies he is forever clearing his head! But we have an agreement no kisses when there are colds. But it never helps because one of us is always feeling sick!

    But when you love somebody as you two do, snot happens and why let it get in the way! :)

    Lifecruiser: Oh, poor man, allergies are so tough to have! Hope he can have periods with out it at least :-)

    September 8th, 2006 at 10:07 pm

  3. claudie said:

    Dear Mrs Lifecruiser!
    You are lucky! Abig nose, abig cough and a prince who kisses you! Love is the best medecine! cause when you are in love you live in “elevation” and even if your problems don’t vanish they come only on the second plan!!
    What is the most important thing in our life! Love of course!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I know, I’m very happy to have found the true love with the best man (for me) on earth! That’s the only thing that really matters yes :-)

    September 8th, 2006 at 11:03 pm

  4. Kailani said:

    Talk about comittment! When I have a cold, my husband runs in the other direction!

    Lifecruiser: That doesn’t sound good…. Run after! *lol*

    September 9th, 2006 at 1:32 am

  5. Kasia said:

    That is what love is about. If people can love someone on the day like this: greasy hair, cough, red eyes, bad mood - it means they can LOVE. We are not pretty and well dresseed all the time. So if you feel like a queen ALL the time - you are one. :)

    Lifecruiser: Well, Mr L certainly treats me like one!!! My frog prince… *lol*

    September 9th, 2006 at 11:51 pm

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