
October 5th, 2006

Thirteen Birthday Wishes

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys
Mrs Lifecruisers Birthday


Have a piece of birthday cake while you’re thinking out something really good :-)

So I’m not only going pink, I’m also going 74, but it’s actually feels like 47… Or was it the opposite…?

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Thursday Thirteen-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

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Cruise list: Danielle, Janet, Happy and Blue 2, Irish Church Lady, Colleen, Chana, Bobbi Jo, Chi, Kasia, Claudie, Froggie, Melli, Sandy, Napfisk, Lazy Daisy, Debbie (Fruitful Spirit), Frances, Skittles, My 2 cents, Mar, Mandy, Lizabeth, Nancy, Dave, Carmen, Shannon, Tricia, Melissa, Chaotic Mom, Tink, Norma, and Caylynn.

33 Responses to ' Thirteen Birthday Wishes '

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  1. Caylynn said:

    Happy Birthday! :D Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag! :-) Bonne fête! :-)

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Caylynn, I will :-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 11:50 am

  2. Norma said:

    Happy Birthday. Wishing you many more.

    I’ll invite you to come over and have some blogiversary cake (Oct. 2)–what’s a few more cybercalories between friends?

    My TT is up.

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Norma :-) there may be some more room for cake *lol*

    October 5th, 2006 at 12:08 pm

  3. Tink said:

    Hartelijk gefeliciteerd en een fijne verjaardag gewenst!!!

    Lifecruiser: Dank u zeer :-) (I had to look that up *lol*)

    October 5th, 2006 at 12:30 pm

  4. Chaotic Mom said:

    I leave you one wish for your birthday.

    I wish that you may enjoy the happy hands of strong man massaging your feet today as you sit back and enjoy. Sounds silly, maybe, but I’D enjoy that on MY birthday! ;)

    I’ve posted my Thursday Thirteen, too. Enjoy!

    Lifecruiser: Wow! That is awesome - I’d love that :-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 12:30 pm

  5. Melissa said:

    Happy birthday! Joyeux anniversaire!

    I wish for you to have a great day and all the pleasures you can manage to squeeze into one day.

    Lifecruiser: Oh, thank you! I’ll be busy then ;-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 1:56 pm

  6. Tricia said:

    Happy Birthday Mrs. Lifecruiser!

    I’m wishing that you have a wonderful day filled with love and joy; happiness, health, love, perhaps a very nice dinner with Mr. Lifecruiser too. Oh I know, how about a day at the Spa? Wouldn’t that be nice? :)

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Tricia. Oh, the Spa thing, we did that when Mr L had birthday and it was awesome, but also a bit tiring *lol*. all the things is fulfilled and the dinner is on it’s way…. My mouth is watering at the thought of it!

    October 5th, 2006 at 2:01 pm

  7. Shannon said:

    Happy birthday! Enjoy your day - and eat lots of cake - because on your birthday everything is low-fat!

    Lifecruiser: Thank you! Considering the fact that I use to eat a lot even when I’m not having a birthday, how much do you think that I can increase the eating part without having to take breaks like uhum toilet visits and other necessary things…? *lol* Oh, I forgot, I’m a princess and don’t do that sort of things….

    October 5th, 2006 at 2:11 pm

  8. carmen said:

    13 wishes
    1. Happy Birthday
    2. I love your funny new header
    3. 74? No way!
    4. I hope Mr. Lifecruiser gets you a GOOD present
    5. Bon Anniversaire (in french)
    6. What a lovely cake. i think I will take a piece. yum!
    7. You should have a nice glass of wine
    8. Put your feet up - maybe even get Mr. Lifecruiser to give ‘em a good massage
    9. My Pooh Bear sends you a birthday head-butt
    10. *singing Happy Birthday to youuuu
    11. Happy Birthday to youuuu
    12. Happy Birthday Mrs. Lifecruiser
    13. Happy Birthday to youuuu

    Lifecruiser: Thank you carmen :-) Especially for the Pooh Bear head-butt *lol* I have the best day ever, so young, so served by Mr Lifecruiser, he is an excellent husband! Massage wherever I want it and for how long I want it…. No, no details…. *lol* Everything I wish…. Next thing is a mouth watering dinner….

    October 5th, 2006 at 2:52 pm

  9. Dave said:

    Now I know that 74 is a poor attempt at humor. :roll:
    You’re just a kid and it appears you’ve found a wonderful playmate. So crack open the Dom, have another piece of cake and go on back to your 34 inch bed.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, yes, yes, we obey…. *lol* *showering us with the Dom and opens another one*

    October 5th, 2006 at 3:04 pm

  10. Nancy said:

    Happy Birthday 13 times over.

    Heres to having all your dreams come true this year, with much laughter and joy!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, my god! All my dreams? *whistles* That’s not bad at all!

    October 5th, 2006 at 3:30 pm

  11. Lizabeth said:

    Great work here, going pink! Happy, happy birthday:smile: I hope it’s a blessed one!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, yes I think it is….. I really enjoy it so far, my best ever maybe!

    October 5th, 2006 at 4:06 pm

  12. Mandy said:

    Dear Mrs Lifecruiser. My wish for you is simple.
    May you enjoy the rest of your life as happy and as in love as you are today.
    A very happy birthday to you, and thank you for the cake, it was delicious!
    Mandy x

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Mandy, you’re welcome. I do believe it’s gonna be true :-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 4:19 pm

  13. mar said:

    Happy birthday to youuuu!
    You are a Libra! sistah: me too!
    1.Wish you an unforgettable day (not only because it seems your memory isn’t what it used to be, lol)
    2. wish you hugs
    3. and kisses from your loved ones
    4. passionate kisses from Mr. Lifecruiser
    5. Wish you wonderful sex for the rest of your life.
    (let’s face it : it is important! It might help you with your memory issues too, who knows!)
    6. Sunny days
    7. lots of laughter
    8-11 more laughter
    12. good health
    13. Have a wonderful birthday !!!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Mar. Libra is the best:-) You’re wishes has come true and we’re working hard on #4 and 5 as usual ;-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 4:25 pm

  14. my 2 cents said:

    Happy Birthday, Mrs. Lifecruiser!!

    I hope you enjoy many more birthdays and many more happy years of blogging!!

    Thank you for sharing your birthday cake, it looks delicious!

    Lifecruiser: Thank you my 2 cents :-) I’m sure your wishes are going to come true!

    October 5th, 2006 at 5:20 pm

  15. Skittles said:

    :shock: 74! I never would have guessed. HMM birthday wishes…I wish for you to have a blessed day and many more birthdays.

    Happy Birthday. I love the blog. I wish I was this good at changing my blog. I love it!

    Lifecruiser: Or the opposite *lol* Thanks Skittles! I’m glad you liked it. You can learn too, it’s all about trying and failure until you succeed :-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 5:36 pm

  16. Frances said:

    Wishing you 13 basketloads of joy for your birthday.
    Have a fantabulous time.
    Hugs from NYC,

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Frances, I think it’s working! *lol*

    October 5th, 2006 at 5:38 pm

  17. Debbie (Fruitful Spirit) said:

    13 Wishes That You Always Have
    1. Long Life
    2. Happiness
    3. Dreams Come True
    4. Good Health
    5. Daily Hugs
    6. Sweet Kisses
    7. God’s Blessing
    8. Forever Laughter
    9. A Continual Sense Of Humor
    10. Less Colds
    11. Mr. Lifecruiser
    12. A Plan For Tomorrow
    13. A Grand Day Today

    Wow I would have never guessed your age! You go!

    I have my new apple (had to be a fruit) icons up for my moods. It was really easy to do once I thought about it! This pink is really getting some time to get use to it. By then you will take it down! LOL

    Happy Birthday My Good Friend!

    Lifecruiser: Wow! Thank you Debbie! That was some really awesome and wonderful wishes and I count on them to be true :-) They must be, my friends always tells me the truth!

    October 5th, 2006 at 7:14 pm

  18. Lazy Daisy said:

    Ok, thirteen wishes….I’m glad you didn’t ask for 74 or 47! The things I do for friends…..ok, (taking a deep breath, here goes)

    1. I wish you good health
    2. I wish you happiness.
    3. I wish you enough….enough is as good as a feast!
    4. I wish you get to return to all the places that gave you the most joy in life.
    5. I wish you long lingering moments together with Mr. Lifecruiser and a lifetime of sweet memories.
    6. I wish you joy in learning a new skill.
    7. I wish you the company of great friends.
    8. I wish your back pain would disappear and never return again.
    9. I wish you many more adventures.
    10. I wish you would publish a travel book with some of many fabulous pictures you’ve taken.
    11. I wish you peace of mind.
    12. I wish you joy in this journey of life.
    13. I wish you never ask for thirteen wishes next year!

    Happy Birthday….(did you realize that the your cake looks like a boob on a plate….should I have wished for perky boobs for you? Oh well there’s always next year. Hope you are celebrated today and always.

    Lifecruiser: Wow! That’s very thoughtful wishes, I guess you did take a big piece of the cake ;-) OH, you’re right the cake does look like a boob, ha ha ha… I have to be satiesfied with that, I can’t get it all at once, can I? *lol*

    October 5th, 2006 at 7:15 pm

  19. Napfisk said:

    I saw, I read and yippa! happy birthday to you. I waited for a comment coz I wanted to make up thirteen lovely things.

    I got stuck and then had to go, etc. etc. You know…

    But rest assured, I celebrate every 47 years (or was it 74?) of lifecruiserism. You’re a great gal and I’m glad to know ya!

    Btw, it may be digital, but the cake’s yummie!


    Lifecruiser: I’m sure you had thirteen wonderful things in mind as the good friend you are :-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 8:00 pm

  20. Napfisk said:

    Btw, reading over the comments, could you airmail me some of that Dom instead? Glad to see the taste is there, hehe.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, the Dom, always present in this house when celebrating, it’s my favorite. I’ll send it to you and then wait for the famous champagne giggle to start ;-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 8:02 pm

  21. Sandy said:

    My gift to you would be that you have a LONG and Happy and Wonderful Life with that Mr. Lifecruiser of yours!! May you be married Happily for as long as My Mr and I have been married!! I wish you Peace, Joy and Success in your life.
    As far as your being 74…I would have never guessed!! tee hee!! Sandy

    Lifecruiser: Oh, thank you, thank you! What a wonderful birthday! Yes, doesn’t I look very young for my age???? It must be all the love that’s in the air… *lol*

    October 5th, 2006 at 8:46 pm

  22. Melli said:

    Well… first and FOREMOST I have to tell you that I would NEVER “throw” cake! Holy cow! Cake is SACRED calories! Not to be wasted on a whim! Now… for those wishes….

    I wish you:

    1. A GLORIOUS day, filled with sunshine!
    2. Laughter to last a lifetime! The kind where your tummy HURTS, and tears squirt out!
    3. Foot massages! Given by hubby or children … and if they won’t, then the dog can lick them! That feels good too!
    4. A magic mirror that makes you LOOK 22! … or a case a Nivea Night Creme…
    5. Chocolate flavored Dentu-creme!
    6. Lunch with a really great friend once a week for LIFE!
    7. Toasted Marshmallows. (this can be done OVER those 74 candles!)
    8. Hot Buttered Rum and COLD flashes!
    9. Limber joints! (let’s play jump-rope!)
    10. Emeril in your Kitchen (unless you actually LIKE to do all the cookin’!)
    11. Wingless arms… you knOw what I mean!
    12. Support hose in all the “hippest” colors!
    13. Only one more??? Awww… Okay — THE HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY EVVVVER!!!! EVER!

    Lifecruiser: OMG Melli, I think this must be my best birthday ever! Will I survive all those good things? Especially all the laughter could be deadly with all the tummy cramps… *ROFL* Most of them actually have turned out true already, so you’re fantastic. How did you do it? Do you have some secret with your magic stick? *lol*

    October 5th, 2006 at 9:14 pm

  23. Froggie said:

    Happy Birthday! I wish for you happiness, health, life, love, and laughter.

    Lifecruiser: Ahhhh, awful sweet of you Froggie, thank you :-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 9:31 pm

  24. Claudie said:

    Happy birthday to you
    Happy birthday to you
    Mrs Lifecruiser
    Happy birthday to you!

    Joyeux anniversaire
    Joyeux anniversaire
    Joyeux anniversaire
    Mrs Lifecruiser
    Joyeux anniversaire!

    What a nice cake!!
    Have sweat dreams tonight!

    Merci Claude :-) Votre chanson a touché mon coeur, Cher ami!

    October 5th, 2006 at 10:13 pm

  25. Kasia said:

    Happy Birthday Mrs. Lifecruiser!!!!
    I wish you:
    1. more sunshine
    2. more hair;)
    4. a lot of adventurous journeys
    5. good books for long winter evenings
    6. 1000 kisses from Mr. Lifecruiser
    7. sweet dreams every night
    8. funny jokes to have a good laugh at least once a day
    9. good health forever
    10. a nice birthday party
    11. a pink computer:)
    12. rainbow in the sky and finding the pot of gold
    13. more crazy, intelligent, funny blogging!

    I love you much!

    Lifecrusier: Awwww…. How sweet of you Kasia. I love you for that #2 about more hair… and that pink computer, because I know you hate pink like I do, so it must have been hard to write for you ;-) I really don’t know about that pot of gold, but all the others seems good to me!

    October 5th, 2006 at 11:00 pm

  26. Chi said:

    Happy Birthday, dear friend! May it be the bestest, funnest, most wonderful one…and may you have many more great celebrations!

    The cake looks delicious…thanks for inviting me to your party but, but…are you gonna share the champagne too? LOL

    Lifecruiser: The place is showered with the Dom Perignon, please join the famous champagne giggle ;-)

    October 5th, 2006 at 11:51 pm

  27. Bobbi Jo said:

    Happy Birthday. I wish you happiness, love, laughter, quiet times and many more years.

    I’ll have to pass on the cake though…something about all that pink. :wink:

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Bobbi Jo :-) Yes, I know, the cake does look a bit… uhum….over yummy? *lol*

    October 6th, 2006 at 1:00 am

  28. Chana said:

    after 5 kids back to back, breastfed 100% you header reminds me of what i see in the mirror daily :lol:
    i love the header. thank you for the laugh.

    pls let me wish you so many wonderful yrs ahead with health and in joy. Happy birthday my sweet dear. May God Bless you today and all the days of your life. i’m so glad that we met. you are such a dear.

    thank you for going pink. it is important to get the word out there and keep it going.


    Lifecruiser: Thank you, I’m so glad you came over and enjoyed it Chana, I was on my way to invite you to the cake but wasn’t sure if it were appropriate right now… Cheers to life!

    October 6th, 2006 at 1:41 am

  29. colleen said:

    1. Something to laugh about everday 2. Something beautiful to appreciate everyday. 3. Someone to kiss everyday. 4. Something fatteningly delicious to eat everyday. 5. Something to sing about everyday. 6. Something new to learn everyday. 7. lots of blog comments everyday. 8. Good luck everyday. 9. Whatever you want everyday. 10. Wishes come true everyday. 11. Getting up on the right side of the bed everyday. 12. Checks in the mail everyday. 13. Everything in the pink everyday.

    Now blow out the candles!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Lifecruiser: OMG! All 74 candles ;-) I hardly can breathe…. *lol* I loved all the wishes, but I’m not so sure about the last one….. *lol*

    October 6th, 2006 at 1:42 am

  30. Irish Church Lady said:

    Mrs LC

    1. Hippy Birthday to you - have all the cake you want
    2. Dance as if your good at it, even if you’re not
    3. LOLO - Laugh out Loud Often
    4. Sing not just in the shower
    5. Shop till you drop (or run out of money)
    6. Smile even if you don’t feel like it somedays
    7. Have a glass of wine for me Mum Slainte!
    8. Tell someone on the phone that they have a lovely voice.
    9. Stretch every part of your body like a puddy tat!
    10. Count your blessings and count them again.
    11. Whistle while you work.
    12. Eat a nectarine -it’s the best fruit ever made!
    13. Have a great day!!! :)

    Lifecruiser: Awww… thank you ICL, how sweet of you. And fun. Made me laugh out loud. Very interesting wishes - I do hope will do my very best to make theml turn out true :-)

    October 6th, 2006 at 2:46 am

  31. Happy and Blue 2 said:

    Happy Birthday.
    Umm…that’s one..
    Happy Birthday…Guess I already said that..
    Ummm…did I say Happy Birthday..
    Woohoo to you..

    Lifecruiser: Thanks H&B2, that actually sounded like you have had a great deal of both the cake and all the Dom which is perfect ;-)

    October 6th, 2006 at 3:34 am

  32. Janet said:

    74! Are you REALLY 74? I think that’s GREAT! Blogging, a sense of humor and everything…HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, Janet. Oh no, no, no! Not yet, I have 27 years more to go and I certainly hope that they’re gonna be the most fabulous years ever :-)

    October 6th, 2006 at 4:35 am

  33. Danielle said:

    I was late :oops:

    So…my birthday wish for you…is to enjoy everyday like it’s your birthday:wink:

    Libras must be the funniest most loving people in the world–my daughter’s bday is tomorrow (7th)…and she’s amost as sweet and funny as you. She’ll be 3, she may be sweeter and funnier in another 43 years :lol:

    Hope you had a terrific birthday–and many, many more!

    Like the new look for Oct.!

    Lifecruiser: Better late than never hah? *s* Thank you for the great wish, wow, my life will be even more awesome than before :-)

    October 6th, 2006 at 5:51 pm

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