
October 20th, 2006

Ship wrecked

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys
(This is obviously not shot by us since we were too drunk…)
Wrecked drunken dog the day after Daves and Wandas birthday party
“Man, what a partay! Totally wrecked. Partayed with the Beagle Sisters all night! They are some tough chicks….”

We’ve got the taste for it now, after all it’s Friday! Let’s continue to partay! There is still some Dom left isn’t it?

No? Did we drink ALL the bottles? Oooops….

The chocolate? All gone to? Let’s see in the post below….

Cruise list: Mandy, Josh, Froggie, Debbie, Dave, Miss Ass.Lifecruiser, and Happy and Blue 2.

9 Responses to ' Ship wrecked '

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  1. Happy and Blue 2 said:

    :lol: I bet that dog is going to feel bad in the morning, ha,ha..

    Lifecruiser: Not a hot dog then, ha ha…

    October 20th, 2006 at 3:26 am

  2. Miss Ass.Lifecruiser said:

    Well well…. guess he has to start join the AA again!!!

    Lifecruiser: What’s that? Anonymous A**lickers? *ROFLMAO*

    October 20th, 2006 at 10:44 am

  3. Dave said:

    Recovering…. She isn’t drunk, that’s the way they sleep and the beagle sisters get real happy if you start rubbing their tummys. Too bad about the Dom, let’s just order up some more!

    Lifecruiser: That’s my kind of answers! Partayyyyy!!!!!!

    October 20th, 2006 at 12:24 pm

  4. Dave said:

    Still laughing at the pic!

    Lifecruiser: Keep on…. *giggles*

    October 20th, 2006 at 12:25 pm

  5. Debbie said:

    I was going to start at the last post and work my way up but saw this picture and couldn’t quit laughing. I guess I have been so seasick that I have missed a lot of the party! Where did you find that picture? It is just too cute! LOL

    Must of been a great party!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it was a pity you’ve missed the partayyy…. Pheeew. It’s a pity, but I don’t recall where I found this picture, it was YEARS ago in the internet somewhere and I have kept it as it is one of my absolutely favorites. I just adore it :-)

    October 20th, 2006 at 2:46 pm

  6. Froggie said:

    Hehe! Love it!

    Lifecruiser: Gooooood :-)

    October 20th, 2006 at 6:23 pm

  7. Josh said:

    Heh, I can see my dog Gandalf doing that. He’s half beagle / half doberman, so I can *really* see it, actually…

    Lifecruiser: Sounds like a lovely mixed breed - but don’t let him drink your share too ;-)

    October 20th, 2006 at 7:14 pm

  8. Josh said:

    Yeah, he’s a great dog. He basically looks like a giant beagle, except he’s all muscle. He’s one of the most laid back dogs I’ve ever seen. As long as you give him a warm place to sleep, some food, and some petting, he’ll love ya’ forever.

    Lifecruiser: Sounds like a very handsome but cozy dog :-)

    October 20th, 2006 at 9:44 pm

  9. Mandy said:

    What a cute picture.. hehe. I bet he wakes up wondering what all the fuss is about lol. Bless him

    Lifecruiser: Yes, he is cute… his tummy is adorable…..*lol*

    October 21st, 2006 at 11:11 am

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