
November 1st, 2006

Wordless Giggle Mom 80

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odditys
Mrs Lifecruisers Mom giggles

Mrs Lifecruisers Mom gifts

This is our gifts to my beloved Mom. I can publish them here safely because she don’t read my blog. She can’t without help and I’m not giving her that help right now…. *lol*

What’s in there? To the left you can see the buns with cinnamon or hazelnuts filling we’ve baked for her, then a box with her favorite mint chocolate.

The big one with the rainbow wrapping is two top’s from Esprit, one white and one lightblue, the other one of top of that is her favorite lotion and shower creme.

The wrapping is looking like silver until the light is playing on it. I did my best to catch the rainbow glow with the camera.

It was difficult to find something to buy - phew - but she really don’t have luxury habits, so it’s very rewarding to get her anything!

And we’re getting her flowers on the way there too - and for once I have no idea what other gifts she gets. Let’s hope they haven’t bought the same ones…. *lol*

Cruise list: Friday's Child and Connie.

2 Responses to ' Wordless Giggle Mom 80 '

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  1. Connie said:

    Love it!! Love the B&W. Happy Birthday to your mom! (I’m assuming it’s her birthday anyway…)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Yes, it’s her 80th birthday and we’re going to make it a good one :-)

    November 1st, 2006 at 1:37 am

  2. Friday's Child said:

    They are beautiful gifts and very beautifully wrapped. Your mom has a contagious laugh.
    Mine’s up too. Come have a look.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-) Yes, she sure can laugh, it’s very easy to get her to laugh thankfully!

    November 1st, 2006 at 2:36 am

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