September 30th, 2005

Best friends meeting in Cleveland

Posted by Lifecruiser in Odds

We were up very late last night with our hosts. Did not realize what time it was. The host was mixing nice drinks to us…. Maybe thats why we were so tired this morning….? *smiling really big here*

Mr Lifecruiser even had a customer calling him at four o clock this morning from Sweden!!!! He had to speak professional in the middle of the night… oooh my….

Better to send out a warning to the area of Ohio, Cleveland, Miss Ass. Lifecruiser is on her way over here!

From the beginning the plan was that we should go to Chicago to visit her, but we realized that it was better that she was coming to us instead. She have a lot of problem as you already know and need to get away for a while.

We just want to meet each other, no matter where. Really happy over that. It is not so easy with the distance between us lately. So we are happy as a child on christmas eve now :-)

We are going to meet here at The grey hound bus station any minute now.

*jumping up and down all excited*

2 Responses to ' Best friends meeting in Cleveland '

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  1. Mandy said:

    I hope you realize your lives will never be the same again, after you meet Miss Ass. Lifecruiser lol.

    Good luck and hope you have a fabulous time! :)

    September 30th, 2005 at 6:57 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Mandy: Well, even that was not really what we had hoped for, but we made sure to have fun at least one evening before she went back again! We will write some more about it later…. (I know that we are making you curious now, but you have to wait a bit *lol*)

    October 19th, 2005 at 6:58 pm

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