Screen Test
Screen Test, 1964.
Oil on canvas. Gil Elvgren.

So, no sercret island today either? And no more A-Team Passes handed out yet? Man, what am I doing since I never get those done? *giggles*

Well, yesterday we were visiting my Mom to cheer her up and today we have another interesting mission to carry out!

I discovered that the Royal Swedish Opera House is going to sell out some of their costumes, so we’re going to their warehouses to have a look. I need a cape and hat that might fit to my 17th century and medieval dresses.

If I’m allowed to and if they have something worth to show, I’ll take some photos to show you!

We might even take some nice lunch somewhere… Or afternoon beer, after all it’s Friday :-D

Time for the Friday joke:

From the Lifecruiser ship, everyone can see a halfnekkid woman on a small island who is shouting and desperately waving her hands.

“Who is it?” a passenger asks the captain.

Captain Lifecruiser replies:

- “I’ve no idea. Every year when we pass, she goes nuts.”

I sincerely hope that this won’t be Ev, since she’s going to Maui and will start to report for our cyber cruise the 25th…. *giggles*

Captain Hag Rag Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
Hiking away in The French Alps
Howard Castle

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

Maui, Hawaii, US (Starts the 25th Aug)
The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Denmark - Germany
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

Lifecruiser Archive 2007
Lifecruiser Blogroll Code
Cyber Cruise Souvenirs

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[Click on the pic to read my peace post]

Mimi Writes has giving me the honor of being choosen as the peace blogger of the week!!!

Don’t know what it’s all about? Head over and check her blogs out, she is a wonderful writer, doing something wonderful with this blogging for Peace blast AND you’ll have fun visiting her :-)

I’m the peaceful blogger of the week for sure, because now I’m ready to limp over to Mar to have some peaceful hiking away in The French Alps!!!!

…and do you wanna know a secret? We’ve been to the secret island yesterday to prepare it for you to visit! YES! We managed to get there finally, butt we were near to miss it!

That’s also why I haven’t been around yesterday as much as usual and being late this morning to announce our cruise stop with Mar today, because my old body was a bit too peaceful and didn’t want to get up…

I tell you no more now, you have to come back another day to get to the secret island! When? I can’t tell you, it’s a secret! *giggles*

Captain Peace ful Lifecruiser

*) ful = ugly in Swedish

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
Howard Castle
Bad day way to not secret island

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
Maui, Hawaii, US (Starts the 25th Aug)
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Denmark - Germany
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

Lifecruiser Archive 2007
Lifecruiser Blogroll Code
Cyber Cruise Souvenirs

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© Copyright All rights reserved.

Lifecruiser's taking a beer by the sea
Join Wordless Wednesday

Today we’re going to a real Brittish castle in Yorkshire, England and I’m all excited about to see it - and to get the chance to drink some Brittish Ale instead of Swedish!!! YUMMY!!!

The beer you see on the photo is an old Swedish brand, Åbro, which is from around 1856 and Swedens oldest family own brewery. Their Åbro Original got a gold medal in Stockholm Beer & Whisky Festival in 2006.

Caledonia is going to take us to the Howard Castle as soon as she comes home from work.

Take that Brittish supporter hat on everybody! *giggles*

Captain ♥ Lifecruiser

Lifecruiser lifering

Last Cyber Cruise Event:
Bad day way to not secret island
South East Coast of UK

Coming Cyber Cruise events:

Hiking in the French Alps (Thur 23 aug)
The Secret Island, Sweden (Secretly soon ;-)
Maui, Hawaii, US (Starts the 25th Aug)
Another castle in Lincoln, England
Fulu Fjäll (mountain), Sweden
Uppsala, Sweden
Denmark - Germany
Algarve, Portugal
Scotland (several posts)
Fuerteventura, Spain

Do you want to hop aboard at next event?
Read about Cruiser Grades.

Read more about Lifecruiser cyber cruise.

Lifecruiser Archive 2007
Lifecruiser Blogroll Code
Cyber Cruise Souvenirs

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