
February 13th, 2006

Our new winterday photos

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo

Our newest photos is published now, the ones we shot the other day, winter day scenes. We throw away a lot of them, we’re always experimenting with the shots and not all come out good…

Not all the photos is shot with Sammie, my new baby, there are shots from our other camera too. Olympus Camedia C-765 UltraZoom. Pretty good to be in that size and priceclass. 10 X optical zoom is the best feature of it.

If you’re the least bit curious, go ahead and click on the menu choice Photo below the top picture and then take a peek in the Photoset (folder) called Winterday.

TIP: Some of the close up photos is better viewed in a bigger size (if you have a Flickr account) - and don’t miss the slideshow alternative.

Cruise list: Miss Ass.Lifecruiser and Pm.

4 Responses to ' Our new winterday photos '

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  1. pm said:

    Some very artistic photos there.

    On another note, What does the yellow/red circle sign mean?

    February 13th, 2006 at 5:37 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    Thanks pm.

    The sign just means: “Engine vehicle traffic forbidden”.

    February 13th, 2006 at 7:31 pm

  3. Miss Ass.Lifecruiser said:

    not gonna look…don’t wanna see any more snow and winter!!

    February 13th, 2006 at 10:31 pm

  4. Mrs Lifecruiser said:

    Hm, not me either but it’s there right in front of me all the time.

    *dreaming about some warm place*

    February 13th, 2006 at 10:34 pm

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