
September 3rd, 2006

Flowers makes a difference

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo, Nature

haga butterfly house 116 holland 211 haga butterfly house 105 holland 487
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What I like the most with gardens, is the total difference of flowers I find there. I never get bored, because even if it would be the same plants, it’s always in a changing phase, arranged differently or something else is happening.

The photos above is an excellent example of this difference:

1) An Asian orchid which if you look close (click to enlarge), looks like it has a face - a creature with wings?
2) A flower that looks like a very colorful bottlebrush!
3) Even the center of the flowers can differ completely and tickle your fantasy. This one looks like antennas
4) What is this? A group of tongues? Lady’s meeting? *lol*

This is just a few examples. Mother Nature is truly amazing with all her creations. I think that we very often take all this for granted, instead of really appreciate them.

What would the world be without all the flowers?
[Scary thought hah?]

Flowers really makes a difference - especially when Mr Lifecruiser brings them home to me ;-)

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Cruise list: John, Eph2810, Deb, Tricia, Froggie, Kasia, Pam, Fruitful Spririt, Claudie, Viamarie, Gina, and Tnchick.

12 Responses to ' Flowers makes a difference '

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  1. tnchick said:

    I love flowers! I just posted some… hehe

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I’ve read the lovely flower post now. Amazing flowers and frendship is like double luck :-)

    September 3rd, 2006 at 8:03 am

  2. Gina said:

    I love flowers and often annoy mine by sharpening my camera skills on them..In the rain, in the sunshine…spela ingen stor roll…They secretly love it, I am sure!

    Lifecruiser: I’m sure they love it, they say that you shall talk to the flowers to make them happy, so just let the camera speak for you :-)

    September 3rd, 2006 at 8:38 am

  3. viamarie said:

    You’re definitely right! I love flowers and I don’t know of any person who doesn’t.

    Btw, thanks for the message of sympathy.

    (((Hugs))) :-)

    Lifecruiser: You’re welcome viamarie, just sorry to hear about the sadness.
    Sadly enough, I know pepole that aren’t able to appreciate flowers - or other things either. I really pity them.

    September 3rd, 2006 at 12:45 pm

  4. claudie said:

    Bonjour Mrs Lifecruiser
    These flowers are all beautiful and different! yes , you are right! The mother nature’s creations are really amazing! When I look at them I can only see and think beauty, aesthetics, perfection, happiness, paradise, fragance…
    Thanks for your visite on my space!
    Have a merveillous sunday!

    Lifecruiser: Bonjour Claudie :-) You put it into the right words yes. They are impressive. Hope you’re having a marvelous sunday you too :-)

    September 3rd, 2006 at 1:28 pm

  5. Fruitful Spririt said:

    I found beauty in all plants with or without flowers! Each has its own form and shape and each are so pretty to look at. I took a bunch on a walk yesterday I will have to post later on. Just weeds and vines on the walkpath but each so unigue! Lovely shots these are!
    I hope you and Mr. Lifecruiser are having a wonderful weekend! :grin:

    Lifecruiser: Yes, all that is growing actually is amazing aren’t they? Just the fac that it’s actually growing :-) Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend you too!

    September 3rd, 2006 at 2:24 pm

  6. Pam said:

    So very true.

    Wonderful shots and such variety!

    I played too.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, Pam, I’ll pop over to see what you have there :-)

    September 3rd, 2006 at 7:12 pm

  7. Kasia said:

    When I was younger I used to imagine conveersations between different flowrs. Rose was always the most beautiful one, but very proud and mean, violets were modest, shy but everyone liked them most. :) It all came back to my mind when I saw this post.
    I love flowers. The world be would be so colourless without them . :))

    Lifecruiser: How imaginative of you, that must have been quite fun :-)

    September 3rd, 2006 at 7:38 pm

  8. Froggie said:

    Those flowers are beautiful! I love flowers!! When I go out to a new place, I do take the usual tourist photos, but there is usually a roll or two of flower pictures.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, we do that too. There is so many beautiful ones!

    September 3rd, 2006 at 8:06 pm

  9. Tricia said:

    Lovely flowers Mrs. L Flowers, plants and trees have always amazed me. As you said - looking different from week to week or season to season. There’s always something different to see, even on the same type of plant.

    I love orchids and I grow a few too! I was wondering if the second flower might be type of Liatris? the third- no idea … lily stamen? and the fourth is a form of African Daisy called - Osteospermum ‘Pink Whirls’. It’s so exotic looking. I thought at first that it might be a passion flower.

    Beautiful as always!

    Lifecruiser: Always impressed over your knowledge Tricia! Yes, it does look like a typ of Liatris, sadly enough I didn’t write the name down and my memory…uhum…. *lol* The third one is actually a Hibiscus close up.

    September 3rd, 2006 at 11:06 pm

  10. deb said:

    Love your GTS post today! Your photos are lovely and I agree 100% with what you’ve said about how flowers are never boring :))

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Deb, that’s very kind of you, glad you enjoyed it. I love your photos, you’re really talanted :-)

    September 4th, 2006 at 12:47 am

  11. eph2810 said:

    Oh - flowers. I love them. I just don’t have a green thumb - so I have to enjoy the ones I find on the road or purchase at the store to put up in our bedroom…

    Lifecruiser: Well, all of us can not have green thumb…. The rest of us have to enjoy it other ways :-)

    September 4th, 2006 at 9:30 am

  12. John said:

    Certainly agree with you on mother nature. Absolutely amazing. I particularly love shapes and patterns on bark of trees and also on stone/rock.

    Lifecruiser: Welcome to the Green Thumb Sunday :-) Yes, I love that too. There is many fantastic creations of nature, to admire!

    September 10th, 2006 at 9:01 am

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