
October 11th, 2006

Wordless Queen Of Litter

Posted by Lifecruiser in Photo
Cruise list: Laura, Michelle, Babs, Sandy, The Foo, Brony, PixiePincessMom, Mar, Lazy Daisy, Celfy, Deb, Chaotic Mom, Dave, Beckie, Melli, Eph2810, Happy and Blue 2, Debbie, MamaDuck, and Kdubs.

21 Responses to ' Wordless Queen Of Litter '

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  1. Lifecruiser said:

    Not only am I the queen of Litter in several meanings ;-), but this actually is a badge placed on a Litter box in Stockholm. It’s a Royal Administration one - so I guess there is Royal Litter too hah? *lol*

    October 11th, 2006 at 12:40 pm

  2. Kdubs said:

    Interesting… I’m wordless!

    Lifecruiser: I’m glad that you found the litter to be interesting ;-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 1:16 pm

  3. MamaDuck said:

    Ha ha ha, oh my goodness!!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s because of my goodness that I’m offer you this possibilty to laugh on my behalf ;-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 1:40 pm

  4. Debbie said:

    I love you in the picture! Really cool. Love the whole thing!

    Lifecruiser: You know, this was almost scary, because in the same moment that I was thinking of going over to your place, you showed up here!

    October 11th, 2006 at 2:03 pm

  5. Happy and Blue 2 said:

    All hail the litter queen..

    Lifecruiser: *giggles and throwing around the litter*

    October 11th, 2006 at 2:33 pm

  6. eph2810 said:

    Hehe - that is funny - royal litter. BTW - I think I can see you in the reflection of the badge :)

    Lifecruiser: Yep, that’s me, her highness of Litter ;-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 2:39 pm

  7. Melli said:

    That is funnnnny! How you got yourself placed just right in that picture — that’s amazing!

    Lifecruiser: I had fun, fun, fun :-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 2:53 pm

  8. Beckie said:

    HA! Your reflection in this picture makes it appear that you have the crown on! Good one. Thanks for visiting.

    Lifecruiser: Yep, thanks, that really makes me to the queen of Litter!

    October 11th, 2006 at 3:07 pm

  9. Dave said:

    Well at least it’s not “Hairless Queen of Litter”

    Lifecruiser: ah, Dave, it could have been… Very close! *lol*

    October 11th, 2006 at 3:19 pm

  10. Chaotic Mom said:

    WOW! Very eclectic collection piece there. PROBABLY safe to say it’s not in many other collections? :lol:

    I’ve posted my Wordless Wednesday, too. Enjoy! ;)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I think that you may have right there :-) who would want to be the queen of Litter besides crazy me? *lol*

    October 11th, 2006 at 3:37 pm

  11. deb said:

    Queen of Litter? lol!
    Reminds me that I have to buy a 2nd litter box for our house ;~)
    Have a great day!

    Lifecruiser: Well, I’m sorry, but you want be able to buy these Royal ones ;-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 4:01 pm

  12. Celfy said:

    cool photo. love the royal litter bin

    Lifecruiser: Yes, me too. that’s totally my kind of humor :-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 4:15 pm

  13. Lazy Daisy said:

    Royality shows itself…(.even in litter.) Amazing how well the crown fits! You so crack me up!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it must be like with cinderellas shoe, doesn’t it? *lol*

    October 11th, 2006 at 4:54 pm

  14. mar said:

    The crown really fits on your head, great job, Her Highness :cool:

    Lifecruiser: Thank you dear Mar :-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 5:05 pm

  15. PixiePincessMom said:

    That’s pretty cool. Does it say anything special?

    Lifecruiser: Yes, Royal Djurgården (a wonderful recreation place in Stockholm) Administration, so it really is royal Litter we’re talking about here!!! (At least the administration of the litter)

    October 11th, 2006 at 5:06 pm

  16. Brony said:

    That is a unique wordless photo. Queen of Litter…humm. Well it is important not to litter so why not have a queen?
    Happy WW!

    Lifecruiser: Unique alright, *lol*

    October 11th, 2006 at 6:01 pm

  17. The Foo said:

    not sure i get this one but happy WW anyways!

    Lifecruiser: Oh, sorry, it’s just my strange humor that strikes through sometimes :-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 6:02 pm

  18. Sandy said:

    Great wordless Wednesday..Thanks for stopping by and seeing MY SUNGLASS COW picture. Glad I picked the right picture for you since you like COWS…I guess they are okay. We used to raise cows when I was little. One of them stepped on my kitten when I was little and that is the only memory I have of not a good one. Sandy

    Lifecruiser: Uhum, that was an unhappy memory yes ;-( But you’re cow pic now is a good one :-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 6:17 pm

  19. Babs said:

    So, it’s Royal Litter! :)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it sure is! I think the badge is really elegant ;-)

    October 11th, 2006 at 6:29 pm

  20. michelle said:

    We all know that the powers that be are full of it! LOL

    Lifecruiser: I like our king and queen over here, but not the politicians :-)

    October 12th, 2006 at 3:57 am

  21. Laura said:

    You’re a litter bug? I’m confused. I still don’t know what Wordless Wednesday is about. The blog link isn’t helpful.

    Is being part of 9Rules a good thing? I”ve known about them for awhile and I’m curious. Looks like I will be moving and Internet-less this weekend if not longer.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s me joking that way ;-)

    Wordless Wednesday is about posting a picture on Wednesday that makes you wordless (no strict rules exists), having the Wordless Wednesday blogroll (link list) displayed on your blog and to bloghop around and comment on the other participants pictures. That’s all. It’s really simple.

    1) Go here: Wordless Wednesday blog
    2) Comment that you want to join
    3) Copy and paste the code into your sidebar or on an own page like I do.
    4) Start posting pictures on wednesdays and visit others.
    5) You will be added to the blogroll and other visit you.

    Let me know if you need any help, no problem :-)

    9rules is a network standing for only quality blogs, so sure it’s a good thing :-) You can read our post when we joined 9rules here: Lifecruiser joining 9rules. Please feel free to ask if it’s something special you wonder about :-)

    October 12th, 2006 at 8:12 am

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