
May 21st, 2006

World Champion Icehockey 2006

Posted by Lifecruiser in Sports, Swedish
The Swedish Yellow and Blue Flag


Sweden won the World Champion Gold medal in icehockey today, for the fourth time in the last 16 years, after beating Czech Republic with 4-0.

On top of that, we also became the first nation in history to get Olympic and IIHF World Championship gold in the same year.

I say that very proudly even if I’m not even interested in icehockey, but I am very amazed over the victory.

How can such a tiny little country like ours, produce so many good sportsmen as we have done during the years?

We are only about 9 million inhabitants in this country with a landmass of the size of California. Yet we have a lot to offer whether it comes to different kind of sports, music, design, cooking, technology or inventions.

Is it the cold winters that gives us the fighting spirit?

I’m impressed over little ol’ Sweden…

Cruise list: Dave, Mandy, and Napfisk.

3 Responses to ' World Champion Icehockey 2006 '

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  1. Napfisk said:

    Not into sports all that much either but I am happy for you. I wonder if your team will be do good on the football pitch this summer as well. From what I know, chances are slim, but at least you made it in ; - )

    Lifecruiser: I have no idea, but I wonder if it’s because it’s a summer sport we don’t do that good in football ;-)

    May 21st, 2006 at 11:45 pm

  2. Mandy said:

    I don’t watch sports these days, unless we’re talking the ‘Worldcup’, or ‘Wimbledon’ but congrats to Sweden! :=)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Mandy, I’m not into sports either, but this is well done anyway.

    May 22nd, 2006 at 1:37 pm

  3. Dave said:

    Here’s to the Swedish hocky team! What a good excuse to have a drink. Not that I we need an excuse. I’m not that much of a hocky fan but I would have cheered for Sweden.

    Lifecruiser: Does demand a Dom, won’t you say? Cheers!

    May 22nd, 2006 at 2:03 pm

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