
July 11th, 2005

Floating all the time

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel

Pheeeeeeewwww….. Is it on Bahamas we are or is this really Fårö, Sweden? They always say that Sweden is so cold, but NOT now, I can assure you!!!!!! It is so hot that I have been laying in the sea all afternoon, trying to get away from the hot sun. It is just the palm trees that is missing, otherwise you could beleive you were on Bahamas yes.

Mr Lifecruiser is playing golf this hot day, the poor man, while I was having a good time at the beach. He is playing in a local golf competition, Fårö Masters, that he has started a long time ago. Lets hope that he plays well so he can have his trophy, named after him self!!!

Yesterday evening we had a BBQ down by the sea that was really relaxing and nice and tomorrow evening we are having a BBQ for all people around the farm, probably around 30-40 persons, so we will not be out of activities….

Almost every evening it is something fun going on, here is several restaurants and places to go and listen to music. The most spectacular place is called Kutens bensin and is driven by a James Dean fan, so the place is full of old things from that time among others. A really special place, an experience you would not be with out!

Check it out!

They have a performance there tonight, so maybe you will find us there…..

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