
March 15th, 2006

South Ireland tour

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel

We’re going to Ireland in June!!!! It’s so exciting!!!! *jumping up and down*

Both of us have always wanted to see Ireland, it’s stunning beautifully landscape and the irish people and culture too. It’s almost like an fairy tale….

Description of the tour:

Day 1. Dublin - Irelands capital
Afternoon seightseeing tour with a local guide in Dublin. Seeing Dublins castle magnificent floors, built in the georgian time era showing historical portraits and fantastic furniture. Then going to Guinness museum to learn about and taste the famous dark brew. The evening is spend with other travellers over a welcome drink, dinner and an Irish cabaré.

Day 2. Castle Blarney & Killarney
A day to experience everything from farmer landscape to markets when leaving Dublin to get out in the countryside. Makes a stop close to Cashel to taste homebaked scones and drinking tea at a farm, which also gives us the chance to learn more about Irish farming. Just outside Cork we will visit Blarney Castle where we get the oppertunity to achieve the gift of achieve eloquent by kissing the well known stone in the area. We continue to the mountain area of Kerry and Killarney. After dinner we’ll visit one of Killarneys well known pubs that is characterized of music and singing.

Dag 3. Ring of Kerry Tour
We’ll get dressed in comfortable clothes to take a car tour along the beach of Muckross Lake and a guided tour in the 19th century Muckross House. Then on to one of Irelands most spectacular areas - The Ring of Kerry - by walking on Irelands highest mountain, Macgillycuddy´s Reeks. the path is passing through Glenbeigh with palmtrees and beutiful beaches, walking towards the offside Waterville and the colorful village Sneem. Then walking back towards Killarney via Moll´s gap - where dinner is waiting!

Dag 4. Cliffs of Mother & Bunratty Castle
Leaves Killarney, travelling towards Tarbert to take the ferry over the river Shannon. Continues along the coast line of Clare to Cliffs of Mother - the rocks with the height of 700 feet over the atlantic ocean. Driving to the Shannon region to check in at our hotel. This evening dinner is a medevial banquet with memorable entertainment in Bunratty Castle.
Comment: We’re going to take our Medevial outfits with us to wear at the banquet evening! And not telling anyone about it until we appears in them…. It will be so fun!

Dag 5. Shannon & Dublin
Continue from shannon region to Dublin area again. Then on to a visit of The National Stud in Kildare - the famous stud with Irish horses in Kildare. The last evening will be spent on our own in Dublin at different pubs I suspect…. Then going home the day after that.

WHY can’t it be June already…..?

*looking dreamy*

Cruise list: Lonnie Hodge, TN Chick, Dave, Mandy, Dot, Sisiggy, Marie b., and Sharlet.

17 Responses to ' South Ireland tour '

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  1. sharlet said:

    That’s so cool! I’m totally envious now! I haven’t vacationed in a long time…

    Well, I guess we’ll just be waiting to see the photos then. Let’s have some *close-ups* of you in the medieval outfits posted here this time!

    March 15th, 2006 at 9:16 pm

  2. Lifecruiser said:

    I’ll try to get the close-ups Sharlet :-)

    March 15th, 2006 at 9:55 pm

  3. marie b. said:

    I’m so jealous.

    I’m from Dublin, now living in the U.S since April, and I’ve wanted to go home for months.

    I’d recommend going off of the beaten track in Dublin, because a lot of the “must see” things are tourist traps - very expensive but with very little to actually see. I’d recommend either a walking tour, or a tourist bus tour. It doesn’t take long, is very inexpensive and you can get off the bus and visit as many places as you want.

    March 15th, 2006 at 10:55 pm

  4. Lifecruiser said:

    Sorry, marie b. that you haven’t been able to go home! That must be real tough.

    Thanks for the tip, I guess it’s like that every where, you have to go off the beaten tracks to find the “real” thing :-)

    March 15th, 2006 at 11:11 pm

  5. sisiggy said:

    You guys always have so much fun.

    The trip sounds marvelous and Ireland is, as I hear, beautiful.

    Where haven’t you all been?

    March 16th, 2006 at 1:42 am

  6. sisiggy said:

    BTW, I did finally get to the Milano pics.

    How lovely! That’s in the area we want to head for (for my 50th birthday, I told my husband).

    March 16th, 2006 at 1:49 am

  7. Dot said:

    You make the trip sound so great. I sure wish i was going with you. I do have Irish from some ancesters. And I love horses so much too. Thanks for the lovely write-up. Next best thing to going there.

    March 16th, 2006 at 4:36 am

  8. Lifecruiser said:

    Oh, Sisiggy, the world is big, there is a lot of places we’ve not been yet and that’s GOOD. We’ve a lot left to explore, it sooooo wonderful to lok forward to :-)

    You can read we’re we’ve been during 2004 and 2005 here:

    And you’ll have a great time during your birthday if you go to Italy and the Milano area, that’s for sure!

    March 16th, 2006 at 11:15 am

  9. Lifecruiser said:

    Yes, Dot, it’s always nice to read about other countrys. We’ll se if we can write something about it afterwards too and upload our photos. That would be even more interesting I bet! I’m really looking forward to it all, but especially the visit at the national stud to see their beutiful irish horses! That’s really something special.

    March 16th, 2006 at 11:22 am

  10. Mandy said:

    Ooh you are off again! and ireland is a place I’ve often wondered about. Even though I lived in England for 34 years I never visited Ireland! can you believe that?

    Anyway I hope you have a fabulous time, your itinery certainly looks like you will :)


    March 16th, 2006 at 12:59 pm

  11. Dave said:

    Now it’s my turn to be envious. I know it will be a treat after the long winter with nothing to do but all those hot showers.
    I don’t think I’d make it out of the Guinness pub.
    Can hardly wait for the pics especially the medievel costumes.
    Is Mr. L going to give suggestions at the stud farm?

    March 16th, 2006 at 5:13 pm

  12. Lifecruiser said:

    Welcome back Mandy, nice to see your blogsurfing again :-)

    March 17th, 2006 at 8:37 pm

  13. Lifecruiser said:

    Yes, it will be quite a change from all the hot showers Dave, maybe it will be cold showers then instead…. to keep us out of the hotelrooms and actually see the things we’re supposed to see…

    Well, that’s a possibility because he is a very generous person that likes to share his knowledge and he won’t be afraid of the competition either ;-)

    March 17th, 2006 at 8:59 pm

  14. TN Chick said:

    Sounds like a lovely time… I’ve love to go - I’ve never been. I suppose I can live thru your photos? ;)

    March 18th, 2006 at 2:19 am

  15. Lifecruiser said:

    Photos is an excellent way to travel, I love to see photos from others, it’s the next best!

    March 18th, 2006 at 1:12 pm

  16. Lonnie Hodge said:

    Can I come?

    Lonnie Hodge

    Nihao from China

    March 18th, 2006 at 6:38 pm

  17. Lifecruiser said:

    Hi Lonnie, long time no see, welcome back here again :-)

    Well, every one is welcome to join us maniacs… at their own risk ;-)

    March 18th, 2006 at 7:13 pm

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