August 26th, 2006

Photo Scavenger Hunt Blue

Posted by Lifecruiser in Travel, Photo
~ Cool Blue ~
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Mrs Lifecruisers contribution to theme Blue
This is a very cool sign we saw at a farm field somewhere at the west coast of Scotland in June 2005. The blue is the Atlantic ocean and the sky above it. We’ve been to Scotland twice and loved it! One of our favorite countries.
Secret Gossip: We have a lot of photos from Scotland and some day, you’ll never know when, we’re going to show them to you. *teasing you a bit*

NOTE: Every comment is equally welcome, even if you’re not participating in this Photo Hunt-thing, we LOVE all comments :-)

Cruise list: Froggie mama, Janet, Pam, Presentstorm, Laurie, Jenny, Eija, Michael, Guppyman, SilverWillow, Ma, Leesa, Brenda, Jodi, Philosophical Karen, Carmen, GoofyJ, Mysterious Lady, Eph2810, Ellen, Proud mum, Dave, Irish Church Lady, Lisa, Claudie, Maribeth, Pat, Mar, Marti, SunshineBlues, Eagle Lover, Meowminx, Wystful1, Deb, and Chumly.

35 Responses to ' Photo Scavenger Hunt Blue '

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  1. Chumly said:

    I found the brain and it is spending time in my head for now.

    Lifecruiser: Oh, so you’re borrowing it are you? Be aware of the crazy mood it has very often ;-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 12:33 am

  2. deb said:

    I’ve always wanted to visit Scotland. I have a friend living there but all I’ve seen are pictures ;~)
    I like your photo…hard to tell where the sky ends and the ocean begins!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. I know your feeling, because it was that way for me too until we went there first time 2004 - and I weren’t disappointed - it was worth waiting for I tell you!

    August 26th, 2006 at 12:48 am

  3. Wystful1 said:

    That IS a neat sign….and such a beautiful blue in the background.

    My Saturday photo is published.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, it really is some special blue. I’ll pop over at once :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 1:03 am

  4. meowminx said:

    I love that picture! Looks like the cow is floating on water!
    Ah, I will need to ask the hubby to take me up to Scotland next time. Been living in England for almost 7 years and Ive never been to Scotland.
    Mine’s up!

    Lifecruiser: Oh…. I just say this: the Higlands. Must visit. Wonderful.

    August 26th, 2006 at 1:20 am

  5. Eagle Lover said:

    Great picture. I would love to see it in person. One of these days maybe we will make it there.
    Mine is posted.

    Lifecruiser: I hope you will, it’s fantastic :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 4:07 am

  6. SunshineBlues said:

    Great shot! Lovely shades of blue! But your pictures are always very nice! Mine is up!
    Happy Saturday!:grin:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks. Well, yes, it has something special, this blue, I think.

    August 26th, 2006 at 5:06 am

  7. Marti said:

    That’s very pretty. It looks so inviting!

    Lifecruiser: Ahhh…. yes….. *dreaming back*

    August 26th, 2006 at 5:43 am

  8. mar said:

    Great shade of blue ! it looks like a wonderful place, I have never been to Scotland. Happy saturday :-)

    Lifecruiser: It is truly stunning, especially the highlands. You should go ther if you can :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 9:41 am

  9. Pat said:

    Cool sign. I would love to visit Scotland some day.

    Lifecruiser: I can tell that it’s totally worth it, magnificent country with very nice, friendly and helpful people.

    August 26th, 2006 at 10:42 am

  10. Maribeth said:

    That is a beautiful photo!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, it’s even more beautiful in real life :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 2:11 pm

  11. Claudie said:

    So original pic! You look at it and you dream!
    Yesterday night, I was looking at your 68 pics! I had time because I had to go for my two daughters in front of the night club at 5 o’ clock! And I felt your photos very nice! When my small camera will be repair I will put many pictures on my blog too.
    Have a good afternoon!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Claudie. Yes, it’s kind of dreamy. So, you had to wait for your daughter hah? You’re a very caring parent who does that. That’s very nice. I’m looking forward to see your photos! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend too :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 2:52 pm

  12. Lisa said:

    Oh I really like this one. Very cool contrast of the black of the sign against the blue! Nice shot!! :grin:
    Happy Saturday and mine is up too. :wink:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Lisa, we think so too :-) I’ll pop over to have a look at your weekly shoice!

    August 26th, 2006 at 3:16 pm

  13. Irish Church Lady said:

    What an unusual name against that blue background! :-)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, isn’t it? Very cool indeed, if i may say so myself :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 3:46 pm

  14. Dave said:

    Of course I’d like to visit Scotland. The MacBeane came from around Loch Ness. Around here the cows are usually highlighted against the green of the hills like something out of “Heidi”. But the blue background is different and really neat.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I remember that Dave. Wonderful surroundings there!

    August 26th, 2006 at 5:00 pm

  15. proud mum said:

    Oh I love that photo! Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Glad you liked it :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 5:12 pm

  16. Ellen said:

    ;-) My mom collects cows - that’s a great sign!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, that would be a great cow sign for her collection then!

    August 26th, 2006 at 5:28 pm

  17. eph2810 said:

    Great blue picture for today’s theme. Love the ocean - no matter where :).
    Looking forward seeing more pictures from Scotland…

    Lifecruiser: It’s the same here… the ocean…. *dreaming*

    August 26th, 2006 at 6:30 pm

  18. Mysterious Lady said:

    That is one awesome pic! Just beautiful!

    Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, bbut the reality is even more beautiful.

    August 26th, 2006 at 6:40 pm

  19. GoofyJ said:

    That is a fun photo! :) My photo is up

    Lifecruiser: Thanks…

    August 26th, 2006 at 7:28 pm

  20. Carmen said:

    Oh I want to go to Scotland, AND see your photos. I just hope when I go, it doesn’t rain the whole time. :)

    Lifecruiser: Well, you can get lucky, as we were, we only had rain for a day or part of the days, actually very good weather for being in Scotland. The first time was in August and the second trip in June. But even if it rains, it’s still very beautiful and the Scottish people are extremely friendly :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 9:03 pm

  21. Philosophical Karen said:

    The first thing I thought when I saw that picture was “Cold Rain” (Coledrain). Then I noticed the cow and then I noticed the blue in the background. I’m not sure I have my priorities in order. ;-)

    Thanks for stopping by.

    Lifecruiser: He he, you sure notice things in a slightly strange order - like I do too *lol*

    August 26th, 2006 at 11:27 pm

  22. Jodi said:

    What a neat picture! The sky/ocean is beautiful! Thanks for stopping by!

    Happy Saturday!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Jodi :-)

    August 26th, 2006 at 11:47 pm

  23. Brenda said:

    Great photo! I would love to visit Scotland.

    Lifecruiser: i hope you get to go there some time, it’s so worth it!

    August 27th, 2006 at 12:31 am

  24. Leesa said:

    Very pretty :)

    Lifecruiser: Thanks Leesa :-)

    August 27th, 2006 at 12:56 am

  25. Ma said:

    Wow, great picture! The Atlantic looks lovely.

    Thanks for stopping by my photo hunt.

    Lifecruiser: Thanks :-)

    August 27th, 2006 at 1:33 am

  26. SilverWillow said:

    Lovely picture…I sure wish I were there right now! Oh…how I long for those Scottish castles. I always said I was born in the wrong century!! tee-hee
    Thanks, and I look forward to more photos of your Scotland trip.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, Scotland is a magic country. A little bit like being thrown back in time, I think, with all those wonderful castles and nature.

    August 27th, 2006 at 4:10 am

  27. guppyman said:

    That is a very cool shot…. And that’s somewhere in Europe that I’d actually like to see sometime…..

    Lifecruiser: Thanks, yes, I truly can recommend it.

    August 27th, 2006 at 4:25 am

  28. Michael said:

    That ocean is a beautiful shade of blue!

    Lifecruiser: Yes, quite dreamy I think.

    August 27th, 2006 at 5:37 am

  29. eija said:

    I have a friend who collects all kinds of cow-related things - she would love that sign :) And the sea/sky is great… it’s actually difficult to tell them apart!

    Mine’s up, too.

    Lifecruiser: Yes, I bet she would like that sign, it’s not exactly a common one.

    August 27th, 2006 at 12:06 pm

  30. Jenny said:

    The ocean looks gorgeous - it’s capable of displaying so many beautiful shades of blue!

    Lifecruiser: Yes and especially in different countries, different oceans. I like that, always something new to see. Even the same ocean on the same spot can look different different days, in different light.

    August 27th, 2006 at 12:21 pm

  31. Laurie said:

    Cool sign indeed! Beatiful ocean behind it. ;) Thanks for stopping by mine.

    Lifecruiser: Yes. I always love the ocean in any shape and light!

    August 27th, 2006 at 4:58 pm

  32. presentstorm said:

    Very cool sigh and the shades of blue there are so tranquil…

    Nice job!

    Lifecruiser: Thanks! Yes, I like it myself if I may say so :-)

    August 27th, 2006 at 6:58 pm

  33. Pam said:

    That is a GREAT blue photo.

    Mine’s up.

    Lifecruiser: Thank you Pam :-)

    August 27th, 2006 at 11:04 pm

  34. Janet said:

    awesome blue! What is that in the back left, a mountain? I adore Scotland and the accent of it’s people! Thanks for visiting :-)

    Lifecruiser: Yes, it’s an island that is a mountain. Welcome to the club then, because we adore Scotland too - and especially scottish men in kilts ;-)

    August 28th, 2006 at 12:55 am

  35. froggie mama said:

    I think of the ocean, too… although a different ocean, but still… water!! ha! I’d ♥ to go to Scotland someday! :mrgreen: I always love your pics! They are ALWAYS awesome! You’ve got the *eye!*

    Hope ya have a great week!! :mrgreen:

    Lifecruiser: Thanks for the very nice words froggie mama, I’m glad you enjoy them so much. It makes it more worth all the work with them - sort out bad ones, crop, save, upload, tag, comment…. Could take some time if it’s many pics. Phewww.

    August 28th, 2006 at 5:48 am

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