Tackle the real world by Schmap
At first I thought that I would start the new year kind of mild and just make one tackle today: cleaning my desk. You can see the results below. Quite a difference I’d say!
Then I happened to Stumble Upon a site with an excellent Map guide function Schmap.com that made me aware of other tackles I have to do. It called me back to the real world.
You know that we’ve been travelling a lot before? (If not read our travel report) And maybe you’ve noticed that we only travelled twice during 2006? This is mostly because of my health issues.
The Schmap Player is an excellent guide to different places in the world which is essential for a traveller and it made me aware of how much I really miss it… I really long for to go somewhere now. To explore. To enjoy. Ahh…
If only my health would allow me too… It’s mainly my back, stomach and my lack of iron I need help with.
So the tackle I have to make as priority #1 this year is: my health. I just have to kick my ass to act in the matter to find a new doctor that actually can help me. That’s how it has become in this real world.
It shouldn’t be that hard to achieve, it’s just that the health care here in Sweden is really bad for the moment, I’m sorry to say! We are left with the service of something called Vårdcentralen and they really don’t want to help with you with anything that may costs anything.
Like tests to see if I still got the lack of iron for an example. Can you imagine that they won’t test me for it again? I’m still going bald and feeling very tired, can’t say I notice any improvement and since I have problem to eat the iron pills, this don’t come as any surprise to me, but maybe for them.
The “fun” part of it is that they tortured me with forced me to go through a much hated gastroscopy back in June, they said it was so very important to find out the reason behind the lack of iron. Then when the results in the gastroscopy didn’t tell about any problems, they suddenly lost their interest totally.
After that they weren’t at all interested in finding out what’s wrong. They dropped me fast like a pooped diaper…. I’ve asked for tests several times, but I don’t even care to tell you about the respond to that, it makes me so mad even though it actually is like a parody.
So I must hunt for a private doctor that actually care for the patients. It might not sound like a hard tackle for you, but for me that’s not well, it sometimes feels like climbing Mount Everest!
Wish me luck :-)
Reminder rest Tit’s:
1. Kick my ass to find a new doctor
2. Deal with my health issues
3. Kitchen cupboards
4. Porcelain boxes
5. Clean bathroom
6. Clean hall closet
7. Basement storage
8. Sales ads
(Have you noticed that it keeps adding up tackles to this list all the time instead of the opposite? *lol*)
See the latest post and Tackle It Tuesday participants over at 5 minutes for mom.