Archive for the ‘Sweden’ Category

Budget Flight Ryanair Skavsta - Bratislava

September 11th, 2008 at 11:51 pm » Comments (11)

When we went on our budget trip to Bratislava and Vienna, we did choose to fly with Ryanair. Remember that we made it to a sport to make this budget trip as cheap as possible? Who can resist a flight ticket price of zero crowns?
We only had the taxes and handling fee to pay, [...]

Hilarious Passport Control

August 16th, 2008 at 1:58 pm » Comments (13)

It’s Saturday and we need some fun, right? Especially me who has catch a cold with a flooding nose, so you have to wait another day or two for my next post.
This is from the extremely popular Swedish TV show Nöjesmassakern, which was one of my absolute favorites.
The poor man that everybody is [...]

Fishing Cottage BBQ

August 3rd, 2008 at 8:06 pm » Comments (26)

Thursday evening we had the BBQ down at Per’s old fishing cottage by the Baltic sea, an annual event which is very popular. This is summer BBQ when it is as the best, I promise you.
Jösses Pojkar plus one half of Scandimaniacs, Emil and Lisa who has Galleri Tovat, came to the party as well, [...]